Indian Arts Foundation was formed with the very need of developing skills in the youth section and encourage them enough to be employable. India has rich talent and potential for creating opportunities and availing them hand-picked.
It’s a hard struggle to find space for people in the society and make them financially independent, who stand last in the queue. IAF collaborated with good people and mission was started to nurture the talent .
The team strive hard, and hardest enough to plough the field and today we have some 3000+ alumnus and some hundreds of success stories to share. It does feel enlightened to find a smile on such faces and to make them financially independent, capable to live the life of their dreams.
Our vision is to get to those un-nurtured talents, who can shine bright, just need to have right direction for the life and career ahead. All they need is a bit of guidance.

To build a movement of leaders to eliminate educational inequity